Friday, 5 November 2010

Bananas are berries

Yes, the banana fruit is a berry. Berries are identified as being many seeded with a fleshy inner layer. So, technically a banana is a berry. And, believe it or not, bananas don't grow on trees! Originally from Asia, the "banana tree" is really not a tree in the true sense. In fact, banana plants have no wood fiber. The banana plant is the world's largest herb and a member of the lily family. The pictures are of a Banana Spider and a Banana flower.

Also Pine nuts come from Pine cones and Peanuts are not nuts they are vegetables.

Thursday, 4 November 2010

Queen Christina of Sweden

Queen Christina ruled Sweden from 1632 to 1654. What did she consider the biggest threat to her kingdom? Fleas. The Queen hated them and wanted each and everyone one she found in her palace killed … individually.

To accomplish this feat (this was long before the invention of chemical insect repellents), she commissioned the construction of a tiny, one-inch-long cannon, that was packed with tiny flea-sized cannonball. Whenever she spotted one, she fired the tiny cannon at it and occasionally made a killshot.